cakephp3 日本語化
C:\xampp\htdocs\プロジェクトフォルダ\bin>php cake.php i18n --------------------------------------------------------------- I18n Shell --------------------------------------------------------------- [E]xtract POT file from sources [I]nitialize a language from POT file [H]elp [Q]uit What would you like to do? (E/I/H/Q) > E Current paths: None What is the path you would like to extract? [Q]uit [D]one [C:\xampp\htdocs\プロジェクトフォルダ\src\] > Enter Current paths: C:\xampp\htdocs\プロジェクトフォルダ\src\ What is the path you would like to extract? [Q]uit [D]one [D] > D Would you like to extract the messages from the CakePHP core? (y/n) [n] > y [C:\xampp\htdocs\プロジェクトフォルダ\src\Locale] > Enter Would you like to merge all domain strings into the default.pot file? (y/n) [n] > y
default.pot → default.po
Local/default.po → Local/ja/default.po